Each of us brings a wealth of experience to help support you and your child.

Dr. med. habil. Sabine Hussack
Practice owner, paediatrician, mother of two
We value her:
Kindness, empathy, honesty, optimism, thirst for knowledge and her qualities as a doctor, boss and friend.
Dr. med. habil. Sabine Hussack
- Mother of two
- My passions are: meditation, yoga, Buddhistic psychology, drawing, photography, writing children’s stories
- Studied Medicine in Dresden
- Residencies in the field of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in Switzerland and Germany
- Studied Public Health in Dresden
- Experience in outpatient and in-patient care, as well as in rehabilitation
- Research, teaching and international lecturing activities, as well as a number of publications
- Patient training with focus on compliance and disease management
- Dissertation in the field of Paediatrics with a focus on artificial intelligence and home ventilation
- Habilitation in the field of Public Health with a focus on healthcare research for multiple sclerosis
- Additional qualification “Qualitätsmanagerin im Gesundheitswesen” (“Quality Manager for the Healthcare Sector”, issued by the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce)
- Developmental and Social Paediatrics for paediatric and adolescent practice (Curriculum of the German Medical Association)
- Travel Medical Advice (Curriculum of the German Medical Association)
- Completed continuing education in naturopathic medicine and hypnosis training

Madlen Hübler
Practice manager, nurse, mother of two
Vaccination nurse, medical English, Study Nurse, hypertonia assistant
We value her:
Creativity, problem solving and organisational skills, sustainable way of thinking, love of harmony, honesty and optimism

Nadin Voigt
Practice manager, nurse, mother of two
Vaccination nurse, medical English, Reiki, kinesthetics training
We value her:
Perfectionism, attention to detail, clarity and honesty, orderliness, empathy and reconcilement skills